Hutt City Uniting Congregations are a confederation of churches within Lower Hutt City who minister to a multi-cultural community out of the traditions of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches.


“We, the members of the Hutt City Uniting Congregations parish, covenant to nurture the spiritual in ourselves and other people and explore new ways of experiencing and sharing God’s love in Christ.”

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Editions of the Touchstone

Read the latest  and final Shalom

Read the latest HCUC newsletter

The Methodist Church of New Zealand

“Our Church’s Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the Scriptures.”


Methodist Church History

Read about the story of Methodism in the Hutt Valley from 1838 -1988 here.

On Our Way (written by various authors 1988)

Upcoming Events

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For further information about the Presbyterian Church, please click on the link below:


Upcoming Events

The Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand community of Partner Churches is a continuing journey of God’s people seeking to reflect the essential unity of Christ’s Church.
This community of Partner Churches and Co-operative Ventures is discovering and living out what it means to be a missional church of Jesus Christ in today’s wordl


Upcoming Events
